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  • Img2Img Strength is correct now ( Inverse of 0.2)
  • [Beta] Display render (only one for multiple samples) in real time, it slow down a little the render if active, it may not make a difference in better cards.
  • There is a bug (didn't had the time to fix) that if you CUDA run out of memory, you may need to close and open the app so the next renders work.


  • Add transparency to a PNG using Photoshop or any other software.
  • Select image with alpha channel to the app. Transparency is used as mask.
  • Strength is still applied, so usually you want to set strength = 0. For experimentation you may increase this value.
  • It still need some work, but is already more or less working.


Stable Diffusion GRisk GUI 0.3.rar



@Modder99 you can already do this. Each new line in the text input will run the prompt again. you can queue several that way.


I haven't been able to get img2img to consistently work. I tried the whole gimmick of painting a crappy castle in photoshop, saving a png, and using that as the origin image. It worked on it, and slowly resolved to give me the exact same image back. Womp womp. Can I get a walk-through? I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


HA! I still had inpainting checked. I'm an idiot. That said, in-painting is a tough nut to crack. Just updated, so I'll stop posting down here. Thanks for this tool! Really awesome stuff.