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Still need to work on it tomorrow, but is 90% ready



Brew MeUp

Hey dude,..I have been using a mix VoC and the webui.... Love the funtionality of VoC but I prefer the webui - https://github.com/hlky/stable-diffusion as I can basically set it up as a server and control it from my phone, laptop or any other device. unfortunately the webui is not exactly stable and I find that it tends to hang or crash too often requiring me to go back to my tower to set up it up again which is a bit of a process... was wondering if you had considered some sort of remote control like webui or similar if you are building a ui for stable?


So so awesome!! the work you're doing in such a short time is epic!! can you introduce a face upscaler into the tool i believe it's on github Real-ESRGAN is the name of it and it helps the images so so very much, we'd all greatly benefit from it if you're able to implement it legit it would be game changing!


It will depend on the license for Real-ESRGAN, but I do want to implement a upscaler solution.


Not for now, my focus is a simple app that work. Perhaps in the future.