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This pool don't mean I will stop working on stuff like Rife-App and Clip-App, but there is some apps that been some time since I made an update, like FlowBlur.

So I want to see if there is any desire to keep updating one of those less popular projects.

(You can select more than one option)



isnt a Rife app an improved and faster version of Dain app ?


I personally find that Rife-App is a LOT faster than Dain-App, but more prone to rendering artefacts and glitches - especially around thin objects or elements appearing from out-of-frame. So I always use Rife-App as a first recourse (because 95% of the time it's super fast and does exactly what I want it to do), then switch to Dain as a backup if Rife produces glitches. To clarify, I'm not saying I think one is better than the other. They're both excellent apps that I use regularly for my personal projects and I'm hugely grateful to have them :^)

Snake Plissken

Is there something out there you can use to make a pixelation “remover” (usually just makes it more soft looking) I have used javplayer for this but looking for something better. Also that developer mostly does everything in japanese so hard to give feedback… I believe it was javplayer 1.09 which uses tecoGAN