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Hi all, here is some summary on what I been working.

  • Been messing around on doing a audio upscaler, but it require a lot of time and in the end you may end up with garbage, spent two days training a model that really don't change the final output. I really want to keep working on this, but it will need to be paused for now, since it require too much of my time.
  • Finishing up a new app. I can use a lot of the Rife-APP code on it, so it didn't take that much time to set it up. It's a secret. shhhh
  • Working on a new update for Clip-App, adding some more options, its kinda of hard to improve it since my computer can hardly run it.
  • Working on some fixes and small improvements on Rife-APP


the AC

It's a secret. shhhh

Snake Plissken

Audio upscaler? Been thinking of some kind of way to isolate key sounds in an audio file so they can be "shifted" when a video is sped up or slowed down (but not more than 25% either way or so) so the pitch sounds natural if that makes sense.


Yeah, it make sense, it might be hard to archive this tho. Sorry for the delay, Patreon interface is a mess and sometimes I miss a comment.