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New Release:
  • Added all basic gameplay. This includes a way to manage all of the needs in the game.
  • Scheduling is set up so that NPCs move around the map, but only some of the characters (Dad, Mom, Lana, and Lisa) have their schedules input at this time. I got tired of writing the schedules, as it is very tedious.
  • Alert popups for low needs and most stat changes by user suggestion.
  • Revamped Action display by user suggestion.
  • Darker colored text for some characters by user suggestion.
  • A system for automatically updating save games in the future (unfortunately it will only work from this point on, you will have to start a new game this time).
  • A new need for Lincoln (Corruption) which brings him in line with the NPCs.
  • A short quest to get Lincoln a bigger pack (open his dresser to start the quest).
  • No really pervy stuff . . . sorry.

And that's it. I've had no input from my writers, so I relegated them to contributors instead of team members. It doesn't seem like they will be contributing a lot to the game, so I'm the only writer working right now. I wish there was more.


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