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I've been hard at work on Lewd House this week. I have added a pop-up to sometimes inform you of changes to statistics. Additionally there is a pop-up to warn of low needs values. The tutorial is complete. Schedules are working so that characters will move from room to room, and are set to vary their schedules depending on whether it is a weekday or weekend by choosing from a range of selections by the hour . . . but I haven't made those schedules yet. The start of the content filter is in place and ready to filter content once I have some that needs filtered. I now consider the Engine 100% done (though I may need to make the occasional tweak or addition in the future). It's nearly 100% content addition from this point on.

I am now working on adding room actions to the rooms, and generic actions that depend on other things like the presence of an individual in the room you are in or the presence of something in your inventory, or any number of other factors in any combination. Once that is done I will work on the character schedules.

I should have a new release ready next week, but there wont be a lot of new content. My writers have been busy with other things this week; so it's been all me so far.

I've been hard at work on Lewd House this week. I have added a pop-up to sometimes inform you of changes to statistics. Additionally there is a pop-up to warn of low needs values. The tutorial is complete. Schedules are working so that characters will move from room to room, and are set to vary their schedules depending on whether it is a weekday or weekend by choosing from a range of selections by the hour . . . but I haven't made those schedules yet. I now consider the Engine 100% done (though I may need to make the occasional tweak or addition in the future). It's nearly 100% content addition from this point on.

I am now working on adding room actions to the rooms, and generic actions that depend on other things like the presence of an individual in the room you are in or the presence of something in your inventory, or any number of other factors in any combination. Once that is done I will work on the character schedules.

I should have a new release ready next week, but there wont be a lot of new content. My writers have been busy with other things this week; so it's been all me so far.


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