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Well, Jemini seems to be pretty up to date on how to write for the game now; and has decided to make a release. There isn't a ton of new content, because most of the time was spent getting up to speed for Jemini, and me sorting my life out. Moving forward I will be working on Photoshoping some nude sprites as voted on by my $10 patrons.

Jemini has provided a changelog of sorts for this version, so I'll just post that there (I 'm horrible at keeping changelogs myself):

Update version:
-Updated schedule to bring Leni, Lucy, Lola, and Lily down to breakfast.
-Added the ability to eat meals in either the kitchen (kids table) or the dining room (adult table)
-Added an event with Lucy in the hallway
-Added an event with Lynn in her room
-Added an event with Leni in the living room after breakfast
-Worked on a secret peeing scene with Lana that could go in a WS direction if WS is turned on. (It is still incomplete, all the scenes without WS are good enough for now, but several of the actual WS scenes are left completely blank. It should be fine so long as you do not have WS turned on in the settings.)
-Corrected a coding error that made it so that any action (including taking a nap in Lincoln's room) that was supposed to pass 60 minutes passed 1 minute instead.



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