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Evening is here, we'll soon sit down to celebrate, and I want to thank you for being with me this year! It is your support that has saved and continues to save me. I know for a fact that my most important treasure is being surrounded by good people.

It's been a fruitful year, I've learned a few things, even though some of my plans didn't come to fruition ("The Jack" comic never even got its first picture, though it will, it will). In the next couple of months we'll see the extremely juicy "The Exam" based on the 6th Apostle script, and then .... then we'll move on!

And here, by the way, is its new page!

Happy New Year!

Здесь вечер, скоро мы садимся праздновать, я же хочу поблагодарить вас, что были со мной в этом году! Именно ваша поддержка спасала и продолжает спасать меня. Я точно знаю, что самое главное моё сокровище - это окружение из хороших людей.

Год был плодотворным, мне удалось кое-чему научиться, даже несмотря на то, что не удалось реализовать некоторые из планов (комикс "Джек" так и не получил даже первой картинки, хотя получит, получит). В следующую пару месяцев мы увидим крайне сочный "Экзамен" по сценарию 6th Apostle, а потом... потом пойдём дальше!

А вот, кстати, и новая его страничка!

С новым годом!




Happy New Year!! I hope that next year will be even more fruitful for you as an artist as this year has been! I also absolutely love this series, and cannot wait to see what else is in store for the exam! I kinda wish that I could take the exam IRL 😜

D. Karch

Freaking Great pic, it looks like the exam Mistress isn't going to go easy on her suspected cheater. Fire and Ice lubrication to give some extra difficulty to the poor girl's backside. In the script of the 6th Apostle script, is there chastity in it? The Exam Mistress' chastity cage is supposed to not let her feel pleasure, but let her show that she's an Alpha? I feel like her cage is like glass over alloy metal that lets her inflate about 2/3 of what she could, but still not fully hard, and then shrinks back down when she's not excited.


Got an answer for you: "There is chastity in my (6th Apostle) script. In regard to why the Exam Mistress (and most of the teachers) are in chastity: Amy Lee (the headmistress of the school) highly encourages her staff to be in chastity. In order for the teacher's to actually be in chastity willing, Amy Lee put significant pay bonuses in place for any teacher that was willing to chastise. That got about 50% of the teachers and Amy Lee then went on a secret war path against the rest of the teachers to force them into chastity with bribes, trickery, lies, blackmail, etc. So far, she has gotten about 85% of all futa teachers and staff to be in chastity. There are mutable reasons Amy Lee forces this, but the two main ones are firstly, to demoralize the student body (in a kind of "what small hope do the students have to get uncaged if even their teachers are in chastity" sort of way) and secondly, she is seriously self-conscious about her own very small dick size which she keeps a secret."


Thanks for all the kind words! (Working on the continuation)