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A healthy spirit in an athletic body

В спортивном теле здоровый дух



D. Karch

Ok, you usually have like instructions for your Chastos Chastity captions. I'm just wondering, does the lower chastity bowl have a lock on it to make the Chastos ball user unable to stop with their exercises until the "time limit" is up? I feel like the bowl is there for comfort so little Sissy femboys aren't crushing their little nuggets while getting a relief workout in. But if it locked, they're going to walk funny till she/he is let out of their "double chastity" and if the ball was in the right room, you could make it so she/he wasn't able to go anywhere else but in that room if the ball was big enough or the door was small enough. It kinda makes me laugh at just the image of this happening.


There are variation with text in the "Two" tier post:) But I agree that the instructions are very brief and don't cover all the details:)