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Hi there,

here's a little Demo of DM, the sound isn't mixed up yet so don't get confused if some voices tend to be a little quiet:

Link(Mega, copy paste the key after the "#" in the link, if required)

My sound designer also did the sounds for the following acts but they're not presentable yet. He wants to pump out a demo for the dream scene which I am happily going to share next week :)


Here are also some music tracks which also need to be finalized but those examples should give a general idea:

Intro music

Transition into the dream scene

Cops sex scene

Lesbian scene
(my favourite, love the ambivalence here and it's going to get progressively darker)

We've reached a total number of 228 audiotracks atm, so you can guess how complex the design is going to be :D;
If I am able to, I am going to pump out demos more reguraly. I can't make promises on that though.

Have a nice week!


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Can't wait! Have a nice week PD! ;D


I'm guessing that it won't be finished until Feb? Can't blame you though, can't rush art. Great work


Damn thats some impressive voice work. Looking forward to the finished product even more!


Very unlikely. The problem is that my sound designer can't give a 100% due to the covid measures in our country. We've already discussed how to fasten it up for the future, though.


Awesome work! Great music selection, they really set the mood. I'm really looking forward to the cop scene in particular.


I like the music!


holy shit i love Momiji's voice <3 especially when she gets corrupted/brainwashed/whatever! Hurry and finish this so i can cumduc- i mean uh.... CONduct my uh... ahem! research! lmao! but seriously though i can't wait for this! hopefully your sound designer will finish this soon :) keep up the great work!


Thank you, Matkovic :) Should've clarified that the voice of Momiji stays the normal same throughout the movie when it's released. The distorted effect is nice but it would take to much time to apply effect for the entire movie and I'd prefer to apply the effect on the next episodes since there will be a progression to the corruption.


No offence but I thought the sound designer was working from home?Everyone should stay at home more often during the COVID-19...so I thought he should have more time to finish his work unless he is a medical staff...no offense just curious...