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Hello everyone!

So, update on that story bank thingy from last month. If you don't know what I'm talking about then to save some time here's a link to a whole whole post about it! To put it nice and simply, though, it's a cool and easy way of accessing all of the juicy content that I've wrote over the... wow, four years that I've been doing this? Really?

There will be a more official post about the whole thing that I'm going to pin up at the top of the Patreon: probably around the new year. Right now 2019 is still missing and Being Human needs to go in also. Both of these things will happen before the end of the year, which is why the beginning of next year is a good time to make that post.

Anyway, I've added all the 2023 stories to it! I'm making a public post about this because I have changed the password for the thing and rather than posting it publicly I'm going to try using Patreon's DM system to send everyone the password instead. The new password should hit your inbox in, I dunno... five minutes or so? However long it takes me to figure that out, because I'm writing this post first and then sending out the message.

! ! ! ! ! WOAH NEVERMIND ! ! ! ! !

EDIT: So I looked at it and Patreon is just really stupid with this now, like, it was really bad with private messages before but now it's just ridiculous. I'm going to save everyone the hassle - myself included - and just post the password publicly. It's squigglywiggly. The link to the whole thing can be accessed by clicking right here. Cheers!

! ! ! ! ! PANIC EDIT OVER ! ! ! ! !

So, yeah, just a quick thing about that, really! Check your inboxes and let me know if you don't have a message, either via sending me a message or commenting on the post or whatever you want, really. World's your oyster. If this doesn't work then I'll just go back to posting it publicly when I change it about once a month? We'll figure it out...

All going well, I have two things in store this weekend for everyone. I say all going well because I'm traveling up to my folks for the Chrimbo this weekend and I'm relying somewhat on a laptop that I haven't turned on for a couple of months or so to boot up so that I can post the things I have planned. If you don't hear from me, then I guess it didn't boot up! It probably will, though... it has no reason not to.

These two things are:

The first of hopefully three stories this month. This one is the longest of the trio. It was initially intended to be about 10000 words but because I'm me it ended up being more around 20000. It's a story that I've ended up being very proud of and I'm looking forward to posting it. It is currently completed but I only just sent it off to the commissioner and I'd like them to read it before putting it up here, naturally. Depending on how things go it'll either be up Saturday or Sunday, though.

A dev log, where I'll talk about what I'm going to be making next year. There'll also be a playable little game that I made in a couple of days this month just to kinda see if I could. It's not vore-related, but it is pretty fun! Kinda like a stocking stuffer for the dev log? Sure, that's seasonal, so why not? This will go up whatever day the story doesn't.

It's late here and I gotta get some sleep so I can make a big ol' drive tomorrow, so, gonna go do that! Will have more soon, though. Look forward to a very action packed weekend on here!



Hey, first of all, Merry Christmas~! Second, that Dropbox thingie is SUPER handy! Love how you set it up. It's easy to navigate and got everything in one place. Neat ~ And third... yeah, Patron sucks with its message system >.<