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Hi all!

So, yeah: as in the title, I am not releasing a game update this month. This isn't an easy decision for me because, well, this is my job and I like hitting my own goals and deadlines and such. However, after weighing it up over last week and the weekend, I've decided that this is the best thing to do for several reasons. In the interest of transparency, I'll go into them:

I want to focus on getting my commissions done. I've gone over this a few times by now, so, yeah. Progress is going well on them though and I should have the biggest one (pushing 20,000 words) up by the end of this week. There's still quite a lot of work to be done though. If I have my full focus on it then it won't be a problem.

It's the holidays. It's the end of the year and people are travelling homeward and getting time off work and all that stuff. While it's not going to take up a ton of time or anything, I want to be able to take the opportunity to spend time with friends and family that I haven't seen all year without having a game update gnawing on the back of my mind.

Being completely honest, I kind of need a little break. I'm not sure if it's the lack of medication or just the fact that it's the end of the year and I'm feeling weary but at the moment I'm starting to feel on the edge of a burn out. I think the best way to avoid this is to remove a project from my mind for a couple of weeks and come back to it when my plate is clean. This is working already, because even if I feel bad writing this post I also feel like I'm pulling myself away from the fire.

To make up for this, next month in January, I will not be taking or working on any commissions at all and I will instead be putting a full month's focus into v1.3. This will mean a really big game update at the end of January: one that should actually get pretty close to finishing v1.3 off in it's entirety. 

I have done a lot of work on Aimee Mode this month over the past couple of weeks, so it should be an update that features a full(ish) version of that as well as a bunch of gym content. I reckon this means that it should all be done and dusted by February or March at the latest... which means that I can finally start talking about v1.4 properly, which will be extremely exciting (I think). It'll also be the last update before I get the first release of my bigger, bolder, brighter(?) vore macro/micro thingy game out. Or, the new game...

I will still end up writing a vignette or two next month most likely, but they're 2000-3000 words long and not 10000+ word projects. There's a big difference and not just in word count: but I won't blather on about it.

In more positive news, three things are going to be happening this week:

At least one big story is going to be posted
Game Dev Log is coming, and it will have a small but very playable (non-vore) game in it
The story bank/collection/repository will be updated with all stories from 2023

I think that's the end of the announcement.

I hope everyone understands. Like I said, this wasn't an easy decision for me, but I think it is the healthiest one for me personally. If you're feeling dissatisfied, please feel free to reach out to me in the DMs on here and I'll do my best to sort it out with you.

Alright. Less posting, more working on stories. Time to get back to it!



Yah please don't go into burnout. As much as i'm dying for the story comm, you can just stick me to the bottom of your shoe with gum and relax for a while. Platonicly love and appreciate you. Have a good week and holiday. :3