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Hey everyone!

Wanted to make a quick post (as promised) regarding what's coming next for this month and the next.

The first thing that I want to announce is that the development of A Tinier Furry In A Huger World (working title whatever) is temporarily going on hold. This isn't going to be indefinite. I'm planning to have the next preview out around the end of Mayish which will add content for both Clint (male horse) and Tia (female tiger).

This is a slight deviation from my plan! I wanted to get these characters in around the beginning of May and add Wilson around the end. Sadly, this isn't going to happen, because, to put it simply, I have a lot of commissions that I want to catch up on.

This doesn't mean that there isn't going to be any game development. I'll be returning to A Tiny Furry In A Huge World for a bit to add two things.

1. I will be adding a whole new character to the cafe area. This is going to be a cute nerdy male mouse (though certainly not an ordinary mouse) by the name of Vincent. This is content that has been commissioned by (funnily enough) a Patreon follower called Vincent. So that you're completely clued in, he'll bring the following endings with him -

- Unaware/aware paw endings
- Unaware/aware cock vore
- Aware oral vore
- Tail vore
- A happy ending with a focus on paws

2. New alternate world polyamory content with Miles and Andy - kind of an opposite to the cruel ending that I put in a little while ago. This features a lot of stuff, but it's ultimately kind of like a mini CYOA within Tiny Furry. It's really kinda cool and very different to other stuff that's in the game. Still features giants stomping around and shit, naturally

3. A couple of new misc endings here and there because why not

The above will make up A Tiny Furry In A Huge World v1.2.

I will be working on for the next three or four weeks. Don't fear, though. I will be posting weekly updates for this starting from Friday next week. Yep, we're going back to weekly releases for a little bit! So the interactive content definitely isn't going to be stopping. I just need to pivot away so that I can finish up my paid commitments.

Between working on the above, I will also be finishing up a few story commissions that I have in store. I'm hoping to post one tomorrow - a bit of a gory tale involving feet and shoes (8000 words) - and the other one shortly afterward, either on Sunday or Monday ... which is a growth story featuring a giant horse and fox. (about 6000)

So that's two stories coming this weekend, all going well! Hooray! Besides that, I also have three more in the works - two of which I am hoping to have out by the end of April. I will have at least one of them out.

So, to summarize, then:

A new Tiny Furry preview featuring a brand new commissioned character
Three (possibly four) new stories

A Tiny Furry In A Huge World v1.2
(released in 3 weekly installments)
A Tinier Furry In A Huger World Preview 4
(featuring more giant horse and tiger shit)
Even more new stories

I just wanted to be completely transparent with everyone since I've made the decision to shift focus. Sorry if this is a disappointment! I really want to focus on clearing my commissions out over the next few weeks so that I can both take on new ones and focus more on other projects!

Bye for now!



Hey that's completely fine. Your commissions and stories are as tasty as the game, and I think I can speak for everyone here when I say: We're super excited to see what you're brewing no matter if it's commissions, games, or whatever~<3


why don‘t have av


Commissioner didn't request it! I'll see if I can't sneak it in somehow, though.