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Still working on commissions, and still working on game! I'm hoping to have both of those to show this week. I will certainly have a commission story (or two) to drop this week. I'm right on the edge of finishing a few, and I'm looking forward to showing them to everyone.

Things have been delayed slightly due to some medical issues that I had over the weekend. I don't really want to go into detail (because it's kinda TMI) but the short and sweet summary is that everything is going to be hunky dory from here on out. Regardless, this has set me back a couple of days.

Please don't worry about me, though, and please don't worry about the content, either. That's coming along in full force! The next Tinier Furry update is going to be super duper huge and I'm making smooth progress on it.

My output on commissions (and on being social, as usual - I'm really sorry for any unanswered messages) has faded slightly as a result. Combine this with having a medical procedure done and ... commissions are a little off track as a result. This week I will have to focus on them slightly more than I will the game because I need to finish stuff so that I can then open commissions and then put food on the table next month.

This means that the game update may come early next week rather than late this week as I try to catch up. As always, I promise that it will be worth it.

Anyway ...

I do have something fun to show today! Two stories for our Macro March raffle winners! What better day to post these than on the last day of the month?

Both of these are a little over 2000 words long. Short reads! Hooray!

KyobiSilzek.rtf (working title) features a micro dragon pawjobbery before being crushed by a macro cross vixen (me)

LampKyobi.rtf (working title) features a micro yellow mouse thing (that's totally not copyrighted material) getting oral vored by a macro cross vixen (me). Totes has digestion in it so watch out

I'll be back in a day or two with a pretty huge Monster Hunter commission about a huge monster dick. Stay tuned!



AAAAAA thank you again!! And I'm sorry about everything you're going through rn, I wish you luck