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Thank you so much for the support! You now have access to my latest game builds, game polls, and a whole ton of stories!


Please take a look at the pinned post on my Patreon page for all the information on how to access all the content you've just unlocked!

Current password for the game Dropbox is theflowersaretryingtokillme

Current password for the story Dropbox is thetreesarealsotryingtokillme

Added: 2024-04

Thank you so much for the support! You now have access to my latest game builds, game polls, and a whole ton of stories!


Please take a look at the pinned post on my Patreon page for all the information on how to access all the content you've just unlocked!

Current password for the game Dropbox is eatafox2024

Current password for the story Dropbox is squigglewiggle

Added: 2024-03
Thanks a lot of pledging to me! Hope you enjoy the content.
Added: 2023-03