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  • 240116_WIP_Robin_Build_Timelapse_H264.mp4
  • 240116_Sauna_Switch_animation_so_far_H264.mp4




I'm back, another new year has started. Hope everyone had a good time over the holidays.

Since starting back up, I've been grinding out simulation. Fox now has a very full tummy. A lot of time was spent on R+D with a few false starts but now I can fill my characters FULL, I dialed it back a bit on this one, but it can go full on "water balloon" sloshy if the shot calls for it. Also did some more work on my fur and tracked down a few very hard to find bugs that took several days to locate and then code around. But now I've got the simulations working it should (with luck) be smooth sailing to the finish.

The shot is not done and ends a bit abruptly currently, still working on it but wanted to get something out to show progress (even though most of the time was spent setting up simulation/parameters)

Currently it's just the standard version of the animation, I'll have the alt version uploaded at the end of the month (hopefully completed)

Up next, Fox looking concern about his very full tummy followed by the Burr pulling out and making a big sticky sticky mess all over his tail. and then once the duo has recovered there will be a nice closing shot of the two cuddling.

For something to do over the holidays I decided to have a go at creating Robin. When done he'll be added to the roster for animations.  Not quite done yet I still need to work on his fur and costume.

I decided to document my progress. You see, it's only through persistence (shear bloody mindedness) I get anywhere. I don't have the ability to visualize things in my minds eye, so it's the slow process of doing something, comparing it with what I had and deciding if that made it better or worse, and repeat.

Note if you are sensitive to flickering lights, the WIP Robin 'timelapse' video is a series of still images about one every 1/4th a second.

And there we are, a new character being built and close to done animation. Will be back later on in the month with more :)



It's looking very nice 👍

Diesel Weasel

That Robin model looks GOOD! Can't wait for others to see that!


Your animations never fail to -arouse- my interest. ;) This is looking fantastic, and I'm so excited to see it in its final form!