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  • 231128_Sauna_Switch_Animation_So_far_H264.mp4
  • 231128_Sauna_Switch_Animation_So_far_ALT_H264.mp4



Hi, ^_^

Here is the update with the linker so everything is now one long animation again.

Now I'm going to be working on the next part, adding cream filling to the fox. 

Going to start with blocking out some shots/camera angles and working on some test sims. 

I'll be doing at least one update next month, as I'm going to take some time off over the holidays. Also I want to add audio to this animation before I consider it done. So it likely will be finished some time early in the new year.  

 I'll be back next month with whatever I've cooked up by then (I'd like it to be a 'white Christmas' if I can manage it :D )



I love your animations so much; I'm so glad I can help contribute now!

Diesel Weasel

It's really great so far, dude. :B Audio, eh? I hope you've got some good VAs and SFX available. Less is more, when it comes to porn audio.


Thanks. I'll be aiming for something similar to the 'fox in otter space' audio.