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Hi everyone, 

I've dealt with depression on and off for years, normally it's a day every now and again, so I take some time and it passes. But this current low-point has been going on for several weeks now and I've not been able to shake it. I'm burnt out.

I've reached a point where just trying to plough through work and put on a happy face is not helping, instead it's making it worse. 

As I need time to rest and it coming up to the holiday season (and a week's break for Christmas), instead I'm pausing patreon for this month. 

This means your subscription for this month will roll over to January and you won't get charged on January 1st. Hopefully by then I'll be back making animations.

I'm sorry that I'm not able to work on content for you right now, and I'll hopefully be back to my normal chipper self after some rest.  

See you all in the new year.



Happiness and health first, take care of yourself and try to enjoy the break. I doubt anyone here will complain. Hopefully 2022 will kick off better for you <3

Diesel Weasel

Dude, you deserve a break. You've been constantly pushing stuff out at an insane pace, far exceeding any other creator I support on here. Your health, mental as well as physical, is of the utmost importance. Take all the time you need.


Mental health, you, your happiness and well being always come first. I always try to stress this on my own art channel. I'm glad to hear you're going to take the time you need for yourself to recover! Take as long as you need, you work hard and produce incredible stuff. We will all be here when you want to return 🧡 be well and happy holidays


Take care of yourself! We look forward to you coming back but we can wait, it's more important that you are healthy physically and mentally!

Alatreon (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-03 13:46:43 Yo you need a vacation. Seriously. You've been nonstop working on this, and without the break, it'll catch up to you, and I don't want that to happen to you. Take it easy & stay safe
2021-12-02 23:53:32 Yo you need a vacation. Seriously. You've been nonstop working on this, and without the break, it'll catch up to you, and I don't want that to happen to you. Take it easy & stay safe

Yo you need a vacation. Seriously. You've been nonstop working on this, and without the break, it'll catch up to you, and I don't want that to happen to you. Take it easy & stay safe