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  • 0029-Sunday_11-10-20_SIEO_WIP.mp4



Stuff done this week, further animation polishing and rendering, Wolf Grooming. 

Animation, updated some camera angles for a few upcoming shots and further work has been done polishing the animation with special attention given to the stuff that was due to be rendered next. I've changed up the WIP preview so it goes from rendered > playblast to show the final flow of the animation better.

Side activity for last week was grooming the wolf and I thought it'd be fun to show him off in something other than a T pose :D 

Side activity for this week as chosen by the executive producers will be revisiting Fluid dynamics. This week I'll be looking to tweak existing settings,  try to implement some ideas I've had around my custom adhesion/stickiness solver and also see if I can get multiple emitters interacting.  (this will be useful as I plan on adding fluid sim to part 3 of Staying In Eating Out.)

Edit: Sorry if you downloaded the WIP render before this edit, I noticed an issue with the render where the eye highlights were missing on about 10 frames randomly scattered throughout the third camera angle, I've fixed it by re-rendering just the highlights on those frames and comped them in. Going to need to do some tests to see what caused that.... 



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