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  • 0026-Sunday-20-09-20_Part2_Playblast_WIP.mp4



I've been working away animating Part 2 here is my playblast rough cut from what I have so far (there is more sitting blocked out that needs attention), it's all firmly work in progress and obviously needs more refinement. (this is also what it looks like when I'm animating, I don't get to see the full fluffy look until rendering.) 

Side activity for last week was rigging the wolf, so far I've only got his body rigged and is going through weight painting, please forgive the pose (I was testing the weight painting) also because his face is not done yet I can't get too dynamic with how he's posed.

Side activity for this week as chosen by the Executive Producers is to continue to work on the wolf refine the body weight painting, rig and weight his face (and if there is time start on the groom)

Something I've been working on and off in the background for a few weeks is reworking the Raccoon. On reflection I was not too happy with how he looked far too sloppy and a bit mascot like (the bulk of the work done on him happened on very little sleep due to hot weather) The new version is still using the 1.0 groom and a lot of other little things that need doing but I think he looks a lot more focused and refined now (see side by side) Let me know what you think ^_^ 



Diesel Weasel

Definitely think the raccoon looks better now, and that animation's looking promising. :B