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Dun dun dun ?
Here it is, I wanted to have it earlier but life happens!

Still, hope you guys like it ´w´)/ it's weird to have one without Aria at all huh, huh??



Eric Bloxsom

I was wondering what he was up too.


AHHHHHH I love finding out more and more about this universe, it's so dark and cool jfc


I think you need to check your tags for the crawling city. I wanted to go back and see if any of the other characters had a patch, but only the last couple are there.


Thanks for this! Yesterday I spent a while fixing some (lots) of mispelled tags, mostly because I didn't know that Patreon has case-sensitive tags ;;;;

Kage Ryu 「カゲリュ」

So I was giving this guy a pass because while kinda creepy, he wasn't doing anything outlandishly terrible. Aaaaand now he's having his bodyguards beat up jobless people to "help" them, so he's crossed into "yes, he needs to be punched" territory.