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Hey guys : D
This was a rather interesting commission someone requested, Aria in the clothes/style of this interesting indie game called Va11-Hall-A, google it up! I found the clothing style to match her well so it was a fun one to do, hope you like it! PSD will be up soon!




dat pose, dat skirt, dat... *explodes*


THIS IS THE BEST. I absolutely love Va11-Hall-A, it's one of my favorite titles in recent years. And of course Aria looks so stunning in the bartender outfit! If anyone hasn't played that game yet, I recommended it.


Really? I liked the style a lot but I haven't played it well, haha maybe I should! Thanks I'm glad you liked it!

Kage Ryu 「カゲリュ」

Oh my. I don't think there's a single outfit that Aria doesn't make look good.