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Hey folks, just checking in!

Hope y'all had some wonderful holidays - I was able to spend a little time with family, thankfully, but also ended up getting hit by Omicron for a week or two. Even with the shots, it knocked me out real solid for a while, but I'm thankfully recovering smoothly and getting back into the swing of things.

The MP update is still in the works, and still not ready for playtesting, but I still wanted to check in and confirm that the 'rona didn't get me!

I've also had to take the bug tracker offline temporarily - we were getting swarmed with bots and spam, and I'm gonna look into some alternative software to coincide with the MP beta launch.

Stay safe - you are all wonderful! <3


Lee Thompson

Thanks for checking in; glad you're feeling better!


you could just open a repo on github or gitlab that has absolutely nothing but a readme, issues tab, and no code.


It's been 17 months since the last update, why is it taking so long? You have a lot of active patrons and nothing to show for it, no videos, no play tests, nothing.


Glad to hear you’re feeling better! I’m sure you’re tired of hearing it at this point, but it really would be nice to have more frequent status updates, even if there’s nothing new to report. I just feel like anything would be better than months of radio silence.


because hes wants to work on the game all alone as he mentioned in one of his posts and while that he has a job irl tho and then corona and stuff, that all stacks up so he barely has time for anything ofc, i know its sad tho but yeah while that you can enjoy some "extras" that Tamperung has made as mod for Rack 2 in v.0.2.12


Dude please update more, making almost 15k per month from this site alone. Feels a little like you don't even care. Even a once per month "hey I didn't forget you exist" would be nice to the1800 people who like what you do. Just saying, feels a little snubish


Sad as it is I agree with this thread of comments, I've unsubscribed a couple times for quite a while and still nothing new, I get the multilayer update is likely a heavy undertaking but why not add smaller things while figuring out the big stuff, or at least upload the latest release to it h as the last one on there is February 2020. It is a bit disheartening really as I, and likely many others, really want to see this progress forwards.


So I stopped paying months ago and coming back after making my own Patreon. He makes enough money to probably hire others to help him with his projects, invest in better systems, hire coders. The furry fandom is FULL of them. some of these guys can overhaul his game code and make it something fantastic. C'mon Fek. make your money work for you.


I can't logically continue supporting this project, i can support 5 other artists with what I pay here, so thats what I'll do. maybe I'll come back at some point.


day one of commenting until we get a response. who wants to get Fek's attention?

Jorge Zombie

You may want to check The Villain Simulator game by ZnelArts, it has contraption machines and better mechanics than Fek, it even supports VR and the dev is very active. patreon.com/ZnelArts

Jorge Zombie

You may want to check The Villain Simulator game by ZnelArts, it has contraption machines and better mechanics than Fek, it even supports VR and the dev is very active. patreon.com/ZnelArts


Its at the point where i'd consider creating this considering the lack of updates :/ edit: It is worth grabbing the game once for the content, its got a tone of well designed mechanics and UI, the custom created content is impressive and im impressed at the game as it is, but its not worth supporting on patreon right now.


It's time. I'm sorry, but I've been a following and supporting you for seven years. I'm done. I cannot justify this expense any more. If you ever actually finish this project, I'll come back. Not until then.


I've been paying for years and just now noticed. The game has not changed in years and still fails to work properly. I'm out of here. If the game fully releases I'll buy for sure. But I've paid over $140 enough for 2 Xbox games and dlc.


I only recently found this creator and started supporting the Patreon. I was curious about the lack of updates on here and their general lack of active presence. Just in the last month I have seen the income from this patreon lower almost $1,000. I've send the create messages on a couple different platforms and havn't heard back. It's a shame but I appreciate the comments others have left that showed the apparent lack of care for their fan-base.


I'm just saying, it takes a ton of work to create a game on your own, and while Fek has been somewhat elusive over the past while, it's only because he spends so much time working on the programming and planning for this game that he doesn't always remember to post community updates and whatnot. I assure you there have been many stealth updates to the code over the past 4 months that I didn't notice until I finally loaded up the game again. Fek is far from retired, for the record, and I can say for sure he will never abandon his work without a lengthy announcement, as this is quite literally his life's work, as unique as that may be XD. Fek, if you see this, thanks for all the cool stuff you produce, and I hope you never stop sharing your passion with us. Best regards~


"it's only because he spends so much time working on the programming and planning" We have literally no proof of ANY kind of progress. " I assure you there have been many stealth updates to the code over the past 4 months that I didn't notice until I finally loaded up the game again." ah neat, so suddenly the game auto-updates and there have been changes that no-one noticed? Stop talking out of your ass just to defend Fek. It takes literally 5 minutes to make a post saying "hey this is specifically what i've been working on." Either fek is too lazy to give proper updates like everyone has asked for, or he is just going to keep teasing everyone so he can ride out the literal thousands of dollars he makes by sitting there doing other things. Thats not to say that what he's made doesnt deserve credit, because it does; But that credit cant stretch for a year and a half of no progress on a project that is unfinished.


has anyone even tried messaging him directly