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Hey folks!
Communication continues to be one of my biggest weaknesses, but I'm alive, and with good news: the next update should (finally) be out by the weekend! (Update, Sunday afternoon: I'm packaging things up, now!)

Some of the key notes:
- The pain system has been entirely overhauled. All pain-causing interactions have been rebalanced/polished. The realtime HUD now indicates how much pain a subject is currently experiencing, as well as that subject's "maximum pain threshold" - the point at which their sexual experience is ruined. As you might expect, subjects who enjoy pain play tend to have higher pain thresholds.
- The objective system has been overhauled. A couple objectives that were not working before have been fixed, and several new ones have been added. Notably, the game will now automatically generate random objectives for you whenever you're running low. These randomly-generated objectives can award specimen and fekels, making it easier to obtain specimen that was previously very difficult to obtain (green and purple, notably).
- I've started setting up the estim crafting branch. You can now unlock and order an Electroforge, which is used to craft estim toys. You can also unlock and craft the violet ray at the Electroforge, which can then be used to provide pleasurable estim or painful punishment zaps to your subjects.
- The RackNet login system now includes a password recovery feature. As part of some changes to the way password security is handled, all user passwords have been reset. I know this is a pain, and I apologize - but that's the nature of dev builds.
- The research hologram puzzle system now has an auto-solve hotkey: TAB. Each time you press TAB, the game will automatically attempt to complete the puzzle for you by picking the most-likely cells based on existing hints already on the board. Eventually, this system will be given a proper interface (and will probably be set up to become fully automatic, after an unlock/achievement).
- Several bugs have been fixed, especially regarding material/shader issues.
- I've updated the game's engine, to take advantage of the latest Unity performance improvements.
- I've set up a new reticle UI widget to help pretty up several interactions. Several interactions have had their interaction reticle ranges tweaked and polished. Some interactions have had their animations polished.

Additionally, I've been working on getting my other games ready for the upcoming Flash EOL. In particular, I'm working on Rack 1, which has not yet been very well optimized for mobile / desktop play. Fortunately, the optimizations that I'm making should also allow me to include a feature I've been meaning to tinker with for some time: palette-swappable test subjects. That feature might not be ready by the weekend, but I am hoping to have a mobile-ready APK done by then!


Jonathan Girard

Glad to hear that you're alive and well!


Heey Fek Nice to hear that everything is ok :). I am looking forward to the update. Best regards


Wow it has been awhile hsnn't it. Well nice too hear from ya, still looking forward too this.


yay your alive

Lee Thompson

Hey you're not dead...

Divine Powerfist

Of course when hisoney started dropping he shows up...


he is not dead ! wonderful !!!!! by the way i have a question to anyone that can answer, when the game gets released will it possibly be on STEAM ???

Aromatic Hyena

been waiting ages for this, I hope theres some new/polished interactions also


But the weekend is almost over :(


patience, we have waited several months we can wait another week if need be


There is a edit to this post it says he is packing up everything

Aromatic Hyena

lol where that update be tho


Caught a bug on fresh-install testing this morning, fixed and recompiling now! Mac is done, Linux is nearly done, Windows is next!


Wasnt there a thing that everyone gains access to the update after a month it was released? Or does it also depend on the update?


Hey, where’s this build on itch.io?