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Get your hands on the 0.8 BETA2 here: http://fek.onl/patreonlink.html?url=http://fek.onl/backers/rack080beta/rack_080_beta2.zip You'll need this login info to download it: USERNAME: rackbacker PASSWORD: spacejizz080 (Or you can just download the attached file!) ------------------------- I've made some updates and bug fixes based on everyone's feedback and reports. Thanks again to everyone who has tried it out and helped me find and catch all the quirks! There are still one or two little things I'd like to address before we go live, but I suspect that everything will be all wrapped up tomorrow. Please let me know if you encounter any new bugs in this build! Happy sciencing! ;D



It's still not letting me access any of the custom characters, but otherwise I'm not seeing any bugs


Just saw one bug. When you have the character selection screen open, the little question marks that give the description of certain items show through.


Make sure the custom characters and the launcher for rack are in the same folder/location and access the characters through SWF files instead the URL so you have to download the characters you wish to fool around with.


won't let me play. It keeps saying i am playing an unnoficial game...what in the blue world. please help