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Finally a little visual update I can show off. this just shows that the drag and drop + right click ''move item across inventorys'' is now working almost fully. there is a minor issue with the quantity being moved, but that is something im working on. Ive also been working a lot on better coded ''exit widget'' codes, but on several widgets, but I cant remember exaclty which ones, so didnt list those above. 

Ive been in a better headspace these past 2 days, so ive written down some of the updates ive been working on for once, so heres a little list, instead of the usual rant. So, the inventory types are getting closer and closer to being finished code wise, which feels really great \o\ 

updates - 

- make sure the item inventory spawns items properly when opened, and despawns properly again.

- due to having broken the inventory a bit a month or so ago, the item inventory needed a lot of tweaking to work again, so most of the coding for it has been looked through and received fixes, so the item inventory now properly works again, although it still needs a bit more coding to be ''finished''

- updated the way the inventory gets quantity, so that it takes into consideration the selected quantity for each inventory, but also considers wether the player selected a new slot or not (due to right click moving items, which wont select the slot, just move hte item from one inventory to the other) So now its possible to right click move specific quantities also.

- fixed new system for showing / hiding widgets, so with less clutter, and make it impossible for inventorys like the sex system, and storage widgets to overlap wrongly.

- storage widget was broken, and has now been fixed to work again. toggling the widget has been rewritten.

- make sure quantity widget knows if it is checking the quantity for the right slot. (right click move. Make function that checks this)

- storage system has had its left and right mouse click actions coded to properly add items from the storage to player inventory or vice versa again. (left click drag included for once)

- quantity changing system has been rewritten, but still needs more work.

- item inventorys now allow deselecting slots.

- fixed a new way for the search randomized item inventory to toggle its 3 modes ''item found'' ''searching and ''nothing found'' modes, to require less code.

- made sure inventory properly realices when a key is held, and allows unlocking if true. (still needs to code that the key should be deleted)



Wow, the game is really coming around amazingly! Though, Liard, I'm not sure if you find it to your own interest as well to write out these frequent in-depth update notes, but I personally feel they're not overly essential for us Patrons. As in, I feel that if they're less frequent and/or more concise/summarized, it'll be great too! Right now they're bit thoroughly detailed. Just hoping you don't have to take too much time and effort to type these out very few days - but if you find it enjoyable or helpful, then it's all fine of course! :)