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Happy new year all :D

Gotten a lot done since the last wip. The menu is starting to work, although it looks like shit, and is very basic.

The freecam is better then i had hoped for with my limited knowledge of unreal.  Everything is still very basic, but ive at least moved forward much faster then I thought I would. 

https://gyazo.com/b0009c73cf3085278f80f0eca8b3af96  - FreeCamera controls

ill most likely add a pov for both characters also, just havent ogtten to set that up yet.

 https://gyazo.com/e5adc99f849c7c10aad621e8d0260b93  - Started adding ui options. Speed slider, and changing poses works atm.



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Mr Funkay

Happy New Year :D


Looking really good! Happy new year :)


I've really enjoyed watching the process for this project, thanks for posting so many updates and wips for it. Keep'em coming! And for those of us who might want to try their hand at this sort of thing, a tutorial maybe? =)


Sadly there is no straight forward tutorial for this kind of thing. Just getting to the level I am at right now has taken me a month+ hundreds of hours with tutorials and googling xD This is the code solely for the simple free camera ive set up - https://i.gyazo.com/8252f8e626ee1e3815535b11ba356976.png


That code could be several tutorials in itself sadly, so I dont think I can make any game tutorials as of yet. Maybe in some months, I can make a series, but it would have to be a decently sized tutorial series.


Looking awesome! Are we going to be getting the Unreal build for this scene?


Looks pretty good so far, and happy new year to you too.