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Just opened a new Discord server for all the Patrons. 

After you pledge and log into Discord the bot will do the rest~

If you have troubles accessing the server follow this handy dandy guide: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-


You can head over to your account settings page and click on the Connect to Discord button to connect your Discord and Patreon accounts.  



So... I've connected my Discord account to my Patreon account. The emails are the same. How long does it take untill i get the invite?

Please Consider...

I can't get my role to update on Discord at all, even after all the instructions.


Consider giving it some minutes and contact me on DIscord to get it sorted out!


I just realized my Patreon was linked to a dead discord of mine. Will the bot resend invitations?


*Dissolves existing Discord server* *Therefore also invalidating old Invites* *Makes post on patreon about new Discord server* *Provides no invite for existing pledges in said post* Is that...intentional? Or do I have to wait until my pledge renews itself? Me so confuse


I just don't see the invitation to the new discord server, nor got it in a message. Despite being a patron. Am I missing something?


maybe your Discord email and the Patreon one are different?


You can link your discord to your patreon that must be what he's talking about


The bot manages invites automatically, a lot of Patrons joined already without issues. Do you have the same email associated with Discord and Patreon?


you might also want to check this page <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-</a>


I get the feeling I missed the invite due to the underscore in my email.


EDIT : Alright, Discord made me a temporary account on browser, which is the one that was linked to Patreon and not my actual Discord account. Make sur to go on <a href="https://discordapp.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discordapp.com</a> and to connect with the account you want before linking Patreon


Use the guide linked in the post and you should be able to link your two accounts to eachother.


did everything i can linked, unlinked, and logged in and out on both and still dont have any links or anything


Doing what's said in <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-</a> should be enough. I'll try it on the client side tomorrow and get back to you.


How can I play, or download the game?


read this: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/14861215">https://www.patreon.com/posts/14861215</a> No links until we sort out the legal issues, but v0.13 is ready.


Possible android version?