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Ohoh, this months again, a lot of new ideas!

1- Darth Cabbage : a SWB futa, who is pressing her cock up against a wall, in order to get her penis close enough to lick/suck on.
2- Andreas :
A elf Humantaur with 2 heads, 4 arms, 2 breasts, a vagina on the front & a cock on the back.
3- Zephyr 112 :
Hasn't replied yet :/
4- Danielle Noir :
A 6-armed, 6-breasted brawler girl
5- Wolvun :
Cynthia spends alot of time playing video games between her classes. Here she finally meets a Gamera Classic, Sally also playing the game. Voters get to decide how they meet (ally, enemies, team up, etc).

And the winner is... Danielle Noir and her 6 armed - 6 breasted brawler girl ! I'm gonna ask her soon what she envisonned with that: a sexy one ? a more muscular one ? maybe a luchadora? hehehe

Also thanks everyone for your support! I know i'm kinda not productive at the moment, but job is crappy at the moment : many people are laid off, there's a whole service reorganization, etc... >_< Baaaaah! I'll come up with great pics, I promise !

And hello to all the new patrons! :D Thanks guys



My vote is definitely for #1


2 all the way.

Darth Cabbage

#1. obviously.(fingers crossed!)

J. Jenny Jameson

I honestly love all of these, but #1 edges out into the lead for me.


#4 seems to be better


#4 has my vote.




1, bonus points for zettai-ryouiki :)


#5 sounds awesome!


4, especially if some or all of her arms are prosthetic and there's a shot of her with lots of lovely stumps.


#5. Glad someone else enjoyed the idea too. oh well, shall think up a better idea if I get the chance again


#2 Didn't know I was allowed to vote for myself. Well it seems Danielle Noir is pretty much the winner. i though my idea was nice, since it combines four kinks in one. Oh well....


At least it's gonna be multilimb, and that's a super thing to know !


Yes but no conjointment.^^ Maybe people are getting tired of conjointment.


I meant to say, I don't think that is the issue. I wanted to try making a picture with already made characters. my second idea was Reverse Queen conjoiment


This one is hard, but I think #5 interests me the most!


If I can vote for my own, I'mma do that. Number 4~

Cori Webb

Do numbah 4! The more breasts, the better! +_+


Number 2. 4 is very tempting with all those arms and boobs but I can't pass up the possibility to see a nice two header.