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We've begun The RA part 3 folks! It picks up at the tail end of fall break, with a Spencer ready and almost eager even to start generating sweet data for the Spencer effect. Now as long as life stays out of the way, he ought to be able to kick back, relax and--

Oh. Oops.

One of the things I find appealing writing The RA (and there are many!) is my sense that there needn't be a neat trilogy, no looming deadline or finish line to cross. THAL and TIOS both had graduation on the horizon, Creeps had a specific goal for each work, Losers had to drive towards an ending so it wasn't just torture for its own sake. Here in Higgins, though, it's still October. Book 2 only took up a couple weeks, and while I don't have ultra-specific notions of how long this one will last, it feels like if it's about the same, then cool, no rush. So long as there's something fun and interesting to do with it, I'm excited to keep playing with the premise until it's played out.

So as you'll see (or have seen if you read first and came back to this yammering second), this chapter comes with some new challenges and setbacks. Hopefully we'll be able to have some fun with it. And if you hate it, then... Hey, look, a distracting anime pic of Ramona! *runs*
*more to come*




1000 volumes of The RA *confirmed*!


Given how much this victory lap of Spencer's - happily deciding to be the recipient of an endless amount of female attention - devolves into horrifying social fuck-ups and traumatizing insults, maybe we don't even finish this volume? Maybe? Feels unlikely to get a Chapter 2, let alone a Book 4! But it's great, this quick reversal from Spencer's magnanimous mastery to being a Higgins 3 pariah. It's such a fun pop of Spencer's balloon, to see his tricks from the end of the last book get undone by what's probably a week's worth of detoxing for his assorted ladies. If it's not hot as where things were left at the end of the last book, it's at least as funny as where Spencer would frequently end up across the series. The scope of his anxiety might change, but Spencer can always be counted on to misread a situation. Great start to one of my favorite series, and I'm very excited to see how the second week back for these women might change their attitudes to ol' Gropey, Horny Spencer. Thanks!