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Thanks so much for your generosity! I'm in it for love of the game, but 
then, love of the game doesn't buy groceries like you'd think. Donations
 like yours help keep me writing and not doing other tedious things. For your $5, you also have access to a freaking ton of commissioned stories I've posted over the years which aren't available anywhere else, so do yourself a favor and get to downloading and catching up.
I love to hear from my fans! Please keep in touch with your feedback either through my patreon page or by email. Feel free to join my discord server, The Ice Bear Cave, or visit my Community page and start up a thread or chime in on the on-going dialogue.
Added: 2024-01
Thanks so much for your generosity! I'm in it for love of the game, but then, love of the game doesn't buy groceries like you'd think. Donations like yours help keep me writing and not doing other tedious things like working my normal job. 
I love to hear from my fans! Please keep in touch with your feedback either through my patreon page or by email.
Added: 2023-02