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About AI bonus content

I decided to reduce it and do it just occasionally because it keeps me more occupied with content, which I don't really feel comfortable sharing publicly and which I just consider a "bonus". Furthermore, it really pressures me coming up with TG related ideas at such a pace while also having to figure out what's even doable with AI. I'll abandon the polls for this content for now. On top of that I really dislike the limitations of AI, I would rather do sequences and comics the usual way and fine tune them slightly with AI at best. I'll try to get one done at least bi-weekly if not weekly. I currently have a lot to do. I'm catching up with content I consider non-exclusive and which I want to post on my social medias, I've the TG Animation Contest in the background, I want to put more time into learning new software, courses, training, and experiments again and I really need to start chipping away from my main project backlog. I hope you can understand.

Health Update:

I'm mostly fine now but I still have some aftereffects like dizziness after sleep and general lower energy than usual. I've no clue what that was, my theory is Corona. I didn't visit a doctor, I probably should've.


Bruce W. Liu

Just promise to keep use updated like this and I'll be happy.

Ferdinand Martinez

I was honestly wondering if you'd become burnt out because of how much TG related you were doing with those bonus. I don't mind the reduction, as long as you don't experience burn out