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Colors next! The colored version will include the text with the final and most important details about "Utopia Project", which explains more about why the Supreme Leader was so interested on bringing the Breeders to planet Nova. After that, we'll finally see Adam's fate...

On the other hand, he looks quite distracted with his own fantasies, remembering the past and planning a possible future with his new potential Queen...




🤞 so we hope we can can see the “Supreme Breeder” come to Adam’s side!!


Whooooo!!! (つ≧▽≦)つ It's finally here, Corrupted Supreme Breeder!


So damn hot :P Sure does make that one Breeder envious hahah

Julian Hartmann

Man, Adam is so relatable in his though patterns he should hawk breakfast cereals or something, I'm sure the kids would get it. Speaking of kids, not much hope here but any chance for Adam x Supreme Leader's daughters?

Sebastian delaBarra

Oh Adamn you're quite literally too horny for your own good. Welp I don't expect karma to be kind on the next page.


Uhhh Adam you might want to calm down a bit lol xP. Hmm so the supreme leader's missing eye is a recent thing judging from the flashback, I wonder how she lost it. She also looks terrifying as a queen! Those are some dangerous looking horns she has.


Judging by what kind of woman she is, I wonder what makes Adam so special that she chose him to sire her heir?


Earlier in this path what did the Breeder Queen mean when she said "for the prime egg"?


Oooh nono, Adam will stay away from them :o Btw, your mention of breakfast cereals is making me terribly hungry before bed time~ c.c


Exactly! She lost her eye a few years before Episode I, after her men managed to capture one of the Breeder Queen's sons in that planet we saw 2 pages ago. And I agree! Those horns sure look as dangerous as their owner :P


Besides her interest on his physical attributes (one of her heirs actually inherited Adam's well-developed musculature), she noticed Adam could be an excellent underling if she touched the right buttons. The Supreme Leader hasn't always been so ruthless, but even back then she was determined to do a few "sacrifices" in order to fulfill her own purposes and future plans.


The "prime egg" is how the Breeder Queen and her predecessors call the first Breeder queen egg ever. It's basically the origin of their species, the egg that started it all and thus, they consider it the most important thing that has ever existed.


Wow, what a woman. I wonder what it was like for her children to be raised by such a person?