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Colors next! Suddenly, a new group of Breeders has emerged to fight the ones who were attacking the Resistance. Friends or foes? I think those robes aren't leaving much to the imagination... :P

The next page will include a very familiar face, sexy details and revelations that will answer things about Bukka and Vodka's new life with their own legion of fully grown Bunny/Horse Breeders and... the only legitimate Breeder Queens: Vodka's daughters.




Ooh it's coming. :)

Fen Longpaw

Even with just the cleaned up lines in the inking process it's much easier to tell what's going on. I knew it would get there, but I thought it an interesting thing, possibly a testament to the ambition of these pages, that I don't think I had as hard a time seeing what was going on in a sketch phase of your work, but you still know what you want to convey so to clean in up for the viewer before the final piece


Do I see a goat breeder there?


are we going to get a crossover??

Wilson Bennett

Bunny and hooded breeders. Damnit I want to see what Bukka and Vodka have done. I'll just have to be patient *sigh*


wonder if she can control her sons to a point where she can call for a massive orgy without creating a colossal breeder army.

Julian Hartmann

Boy, I have to wonder, did you have the entire path in your head in advance or did it grew longer while you were working on it?


I think Olga is portraying the perfect face we would all be making at that moment. O—O, õwŌ, Ōwõ, ÒoÓ


Now i see Vodka, i thought i saw bukka and adrian.😄😁😆


Thank you for the kind words, Fen! I'm posting the colored version right now, which looks much clearer :)


All the paths have been in my head for years! In fact, I'm shortening this one a bit :3


That'd be interesting! In fact, there'll be a huge crossover reference very soon.