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Inks and colors next! Things aren't looking bright for Nova's Resistance, but there's a pair of Breeder hybrids willing to help the civilization/species they once belonged to long time ago. However, Olga saw something familiar in them...

And yes, those new Breeder guys with long ears are some of Bukka and Adam's sons. I think they look kind of cute :P

Also, sorry for the slight delay, sketching this page took me a bit longer than I expected. So many characters!




Bun Breeders! ^w^


I thought we were gonna see bukka give birth to some eggs?😩


and are the new breeders furry like bukka?


Xpray have forgotten that he also introduced new breeders prior: Pig breeders

BossMajor 345

Fear the bunnies òwó

Thorny One

The bunny breeders are an adorable addition, I love em! And the page sized spread of all the action, lovely composition. Im stoked to see how it all comes together in color.


Who is that in Robes i wonder? :o


I already said I wasn't going to include egglaying scenes in this path. I'm not 100% comfortable drawing that kind of scenes and I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, although there might be some subtle scenes in a different path.


What are the steps to becoming like you drawing like an artist, creating a comic series, how do you plan everything that happens and how do you draw it?


It's time to expand the Breeder Empire ò^ó

Fen Longpaw

Maybe it's me just waking up, but I look forward to the color version, since the sketch is a bit confusing on readability. I have faith that there's good stuff there, but this one is like looking at a half chiseled sculpture for me: the artist sees what they're making inside it, and I can only wait in anticipation

Julian Hartmann

Oh boy! Let's hope they take after their daddy!


By the way, you have a grammar in naming the war, its the hive wars NOT hive's wars.


given that it seems like the sons of bukka are the unexpected cavalry here..... possibly not.

Julian Hartmann

Adam started out on her side as well before he became eve more awesome, remember?


Hehe yeah, that's totally understandable :3. It'll look much better -and clearer- in the inked and colored versions!