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If you want to introduce someone to the ole' mega genesis drive, dont do it with altered beast.  It doesnt work like this in the real world Ive checked.  

Revenge of shinobi, the original one with batman and stuff.  Use that one.

Might wind up with a house full of ninjas and Terminators though.. I have yet to test that one.




I'm actually more impressed her old Genesis still powers up 35 years later. And give the kid one of the Sonic games to play. :D

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-12-22 23:12:32 Already a promising start. Hate to break a cool mom, but let’s see what her beasty side is like. This makes it so much more enticing.
2023-12-05 02:07:33


Hey, it'll make a cool mom even cooler. It's a win-win.