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You know how it is.  Your parents are always so eager to ensnare you into their hobbies.  Big smiles all around!  You'll love model trains! You'll love fishing! You'll love hearing about life back on the farm what when we used to swing chickens around by their necks!


(Model trains are awesome tho, you should try it!)




& soon his mom will become WAY more interesting


Just wait till the boy finds the super secret, never before found "third power up", you know the one that the designers thought players would find, but we first gen players never did, that actually makes the game much easier and actually beatable.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 23:12:32 Already a promising start. Hate to break a cool mom, but let’s see what her beasty side is like. This makes it so much more enticing.
2023-12-05 02:00:12