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Lost power for 9 hours yesterday due to a downed tree, according to the ultility company.  Meant to have this up for you guys yesterday.  (I have an Amy but I wanted to break up the Sonic parade)

Juno from Beastars, going too far, losing herself to the muscles.

I need a laptop, suggest me a laptop.  I trust all of you implicitly :P



Barkley Beaver

Legoshi, death by snu-snu!


No RFTP this month? 🤓


My brother got a Dell for the purpose of gaming I think he spent around $1300 for his. My sister bought an Omen laptop to game and work on music projects. She picked all the specs and we saved a good bit of money buying it during a sale. HP tends to have a lot of sales. One happening right now. But idk much about a laptop used primarily for art.


Also if you don't want to buy new, there are plenty of college students that try to sell their laptops on Facebook marketplace.