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I know how she feels, I hate it when people show general concern for my well-being.  Or, is it all a front to protect my wounded soul?  Or lycanthropy.

Sorry for being a late on this one, not totally back to full power yet.  Alternate/Shadow-rat also been feeling a little out of sorts, shower him with concern and hope that he does not eat you.

Been meaning to write up a comprehensive tale of my harrowing week in the hospital (it wasn't that harrowing, all the medical folk were outwardly happy I recovered well) but I keep putting it off.  Perhaps this week.  After I draw this CInderace I've been putting off.




Always happy to see a page of your work! Good luck with your health!


Thank you for the well wishes! It's been two steps forward and one back in terms of recovery, but hey, progress is progress.