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Ever have that friend or acquaintance that just suddenly starts to get weird on you.

Sorry for being a lil late on this one, Not 100% back in action yet.  

Technically the file name says its page 2, but the cover shouldn't be numbered.   So its P1 of the story proper.  *rambles*




Fingers crossed for some great big buff wuff action >~<


The ominous scratches on the balcony...and the title makes it kinda obvious we're gonna see 3 werewolves, she's gonna infect them :D


She won't have to tell you. She's going to SHOW you. :D I'm so very looking forward to this one. It's going to be like an upgraded version of that double werewolf comic from way back when. :)


Can't have a good wuff TF without a little muscle. Well I mean you can, but... Nah, not on this patreon page :V


If I see biceps and or pecs double the size of watermelons, I'm changing my pledge to 100 for the month XD