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The poll for illustration #36 is done. You can check out the result here. And this means it's time for the next one!

Vote for as many or as few thumbnail sketches as you want, and the one with the highest number of votes will be illustration #37.

Download the attached image to see the thumbnail sketches you can choose between (or use this link)



Ciarán M

Ah, number 4 from #36 took quite the significant lead, I can understand why as it was one of the ones I voted for 😂😈, it was far too "interesting" not to 😉, looking forward to seeing that pose and the accompanying mess fully coloured and rendered. As for this poll, I've opted for #1 and #4 as I like the intimacy and sensuality of them, #6 as I like the pose and feel behind it and of course #8 because... well... just look at it, how could I not 😂? (There's other reasons why I like each of my votes, but I'll refrain from writing a mini-novel to explain each in verbose, pedantic detail 😅). As ever, regardless of which wins, we all win and I look forward both to this month's painting and the winner of this poll 😄.


I voted for #1 , 4 , and 6 its hard to choose cause all of em look good , one thing for sure , I am looking forward to your amazing work calm. Glad I found such an artist. was looking at the development of #35 and I was so impressed with your work , how you used the lightning on the neck and hair and the purple fire balls that reflect unto their forehead it is absolutely gorgeous. The atmosphere of 35 felt as if the man was under a spell from these 2 succubus and they were sucking his life essence. Keep up the good work! (sorry for my bad English)


When you say we can vote for as many as we like, you make it very hard not to say "all of them" ^_^ But I'll vote for no more than half just to impose a limit. #2,3,4, and 8 get my vote this time.


Voting for all of them has the same effect on the results as voting for none of them, so no more than half is probably smart. :D


Thank you! I'm happy to hear you like that painting!


Bah, of course 8 is probably gonna end up winning this one, a shame really, while it does look nice there's some here that have been in rotation for a while now, I wouldn't mind seeing those instead.


I'm glad you like the most recent addition to the thumbnail pool. I rarely paint tentacles, but they're pretty fun to do as they create interesting dynamic shapes in a composition. I look forward to painting it if it gets picked. Though, to be fair, I think all of them could be fun to paint. :)


One day #3 will win, one day!


New thumbnails do tend to get more votes than older ones, probably just because they're fresh ideas. But I can't really stop making new ones, so we'll just have to hope one of the old ones gets picked eventually. :) Unless I forget, I might touch up on one or two of the old thumbnail sketches next time, so people get a fresh view of them. That might help.


One important fact that reflects on your thumbnails is how you've progressed over the year. Look at the #8!!! come on!!! the thumbnail is just crying for being painted, it is so damn gorgeous, it pops out of all the other ones around it. I agree we should not forget your previous ideas. Look at what you did with your last month painting, it was mind-blowing (a deserved title title for blowing girls). That is why I still vote for old ones regularly, instead of always the new one, but this month you'll have to forgive me, I completely approve the #8... just wow ! oO;;... So for me it is the #8 only


Of course, everybody wants the tentacles.