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Hello everyone! Here's the latest illustration!

You can also find the non-goopy version attached to this post (or HERE if you have trouble downloading attachments)

The reward packs will be sent out in about a week. :)

Also, allow me to ramble a bit about some thoughts I have on textured brushes. I normally don't feel quite comfortable using them. I want to, because they're great at simulating surface details and materials with relatively little effort when used right, and I also really like the painterly look a lot of textured brushes create. But I haven't managed to make them fit well into my painting style, which is why you see me use a default round brush for most of what I do. I suspect the reason I have trouble with textured brushes is that I don't go balls-deep with them from the start of the process of a picture. I do the first part with the brushes I'm used to. Ones that create relatively smooth surfaces. And this causes the textured brushes I sometimes experiment with later in the process to stand out, and they don't fit well into the illustration as a whole. 

The context of a textured brush stroke is important. A textured brush stroke can create a rough looking surface in one painting while the identical surface will look smooth in another painting, all because of how much or how little texture the surrounding brush strokes have.

You can probably see in the illustration above that there are some textured strokes in there. I made a new brush with a little bit of texture to it that I feel pretty comfortable with so far, and I'm cautiously optimistic about it. I would like to steer in the direction of a slightly more textured style, and I look forward to trying it out more on the next illustration. 

I've attached the tool preset file for the brush if you'd like to try it out yourself. Please keep in mind that it's not a super fine tuned brush, so don't be afraid to change settings to fit your taste. :)



Ciarán M

I do indeed notice the textured brush strokes in this work and I think that they look great 😄. Those waving, wafting red wisps look gorgeous as they float around this naughty scene and delectable ladies 💜. Where to begin? I love the colours here with the cool background contrasting against the warmth of the aforementioned wisps and skin+hair+clothing tones of the characters. The lighting is rather striking, a favourite part of it for me being the left girls lower face and neck being brightly illuminated with her hand in the foreground being a darker tone, the contrast there is fantastic and I adore that the wisp between the two ladies heads casts light onto each of them. The rendering is excellent as expected 😁... I want to do my usual thing of listing all of my favourite details but it's so difficult because there's so many 😅 but merely saying that doesn't feel like I'm complimenting your work to the level that it deserves. In an attempt to be brief, the skin across all of them is terrific as is the hair, I particularly like the criss-crossing patterns of the left girl, speaking of patterns, her bra as well as the arm-brace of the right girl are wonderfully intricate with their design. It's a weird thing to compliment but god damn, the "goop" is amazingly well done, the way you have it wrap over Left's nose, dribbling onto Right's fingers as well as catch along her tongue while collecting between Left's magnificent breasts with bubbles across all of it is brilliant. The ladies eyes are gorgeous, I adore the red shine and their expressions are amazing, Right's tongue with how it curls and traces along the shaft with Left's lips puckering around the tip are so well done, you could actually imagine them start moving and performing the motions with how convincing you've made it 😄👏💜. As always, I really could go on for quite a while, every piece you make is so packed with detail and there's many more things that I didn't even mention that I enjoy. So to end it off, fantastic work, Calm, I admit that I wasn't incredibly enthused by a potential blowjob scene but god damn, you've convinced me with this 😄😂. (and I forgot to mention that I think this piece has great atmosphere, the stark contrasts in lighting, ethereal wisps and glows that exude as well as the colours all give the painting an amazing feel)

A Tree

fantastic work


OH..MY...CALM! yes, definitely, I have to raise your status to the one of a god! I've been waiting for this one since you've put it as a thumbnail. I feared once that you would remove it... but still here it is and it was so worth the wait. With each piece of art, your skills get better, while keeping me baffled, as I always feel that you 've already reached perfection. Each month delivery is like a perfect gift, full of surprise.


Thanks Ciaran! I'm glad you ended up liking it, even if it wasn't your favorite theme. :D And I'm always happy to hear the details I try to put into my pictures don't go unnoticed.


I'm happy to finally get around to making it, as I've heard several of you have been waiting for it for a long time. :) And I'm glad to hear you like the result!