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Sorry about the very late poll this time around! But here it is! It'll have to be a quick one since this poll is for this month's illustration. I'll try to give you at least a few days to get your votes in though. I hope that's okay!

I've added three new sketches this time, and also did a bit of a culling of the less popular older ones (they might return some day if I'm in the mood for them). I hope you find something you like! The quality of the thumbnails varies a bit, so I hope you'll look for the potential in each when deciding which ones you like. :) Vote for as many or as few as you want.

Oh, and I did say in my latest post that I wanted to try something new with the polls, and that it was the reason for the delay. I've tried to write a bunch of backstory for my characters and their world lately. And I was playing around with the idea of having you guys vote for text descriptions of some of the situations I've been coming up with instead of voting for the usual thumbnails. While I think that has some advantages, like pushing me towards having better storytelling in my illustrations, I don't feel like the writing I've done so far is particularly presentable, so that idea has been shelved for now. Sorry about that! However, I do intend to keep writing, and I'd love to find a good format for presenting it to you guys in the future. We'll see... :)



Ciarán M

Hmm, I've voted for 1 and 3 as I have done in the past, since I find them very sexy and sensual. But I've also voted for 8, I really like the whole scene, perspective, background, the scenario and of course, the ladies 😉


Still rooting for #10


Legit any of them i'm sure would be amazing :p, but i'd personally love to see number 8/10. Good luck <3


Oooh I like the idea of knowing more about your characters, like that elf and Maya and the demon ladies and....


5 and 7, 5 and god damn 7.


All are quality. 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10 are my favorites.


Thank you! I'm happy to see you have that many favorites. :D


Now that my favorite is done I dont know what to vote for (Just kidding 8 is the best because I recognise the kneeling girl)

Eric Lynch

Some day #10 is gonna get there. I think it's been runner up the last 3-4 times in a row?

Matty Thunders

Your thumbnails are starting to look like goddamn finished paintings!!!


I’m really interested in the backstory, etc idea. Would you ever consider making it a shared universe kind of thing? I’m a published erotica author, and would love to build some stories around the illustration.


Looks like a lot of people agree with you about those two. :)


I definitely want you guys to get to know them better. I'm hoping that would make it easier for people to connect with my work. :)


I'm glad you recognised her. :D 8 is based on the backstories/character descriptions I wrote for her and a couple of other characters last month. If I end up painting that one I might share a little bit of that along with the final illustration. 👍


I might have been putting in a bit too much work in some of them, haha. I had fun though!


You know, the thought of making it a shared universe did cross my mind. I think it's an interesting idea, and I know there are many people who could probably write much better stories for my characters and world than I could. Though, I have to admit, I'm a little bit intimidated by the thought of being responsible for making the world complete enough that each author has the information they need to build off of. I'm also not quite at the point yet where I feel comfortable letting go of my characters, in the sense that each author's interests are inevitably different from my own and would take the characters in directions I wouldn't. :) But who knows, maybe one day!


Definitely love the stories idea, something that have definitively been lurking in the shadows for some time, as you alway put some sotry in your pictures. Kudos on the colored thumbnails too, the polishing is really neat. Now for the choices, I find your #8 proposition really interesting. As you may remember, I've been always wanting for more group shots in a fantasy context. This one is begging for being done ^_^. Can't wait for a party of adventurers being caught in Maya's nets :D


The more prose-oriented poll sounds like fun - pick what sounds most intriguing to our imagination and then see what it looks like later instead of the instant gratification from the thumbnail! :) #8 looks like it'll be a really fun scene - I like the wider, pulled back angle - but #7 and #9 would be great too, mostly since I've always loved the way you do cum. :D

Robert Arctor

I really like the idea of learning more about the characters and the world. I'm not sure if I got your meaning, but perhaps there could be an external resource with biographies and essays, and each sketch could be accompanied by just a brief sentence to convey its significance? I think a full description in prose of the contents of an image would be rather dry, and probably not all that representative of the visual content.


I'm glad you like them! And 8 can be fun to draw! Group shots are definitely easier to tell a story with, but I also really like close-ups of the action. I'm often torn between those options when drawing the sketches. :D


Yeah, I agree that the text descriptions could be more interesting as a way to not reveal what the drawing will look like until it's done. I've noticed people often don't vote much for thumbnails that have been around for a long time, likely because they're too familiar with what they look like at that point. Only having text could maybe keep the curiosity around for longer. It would be interesting to see the difference in how people use their votes. :)


Yeah, I don't think I'd ever go as far as writing essays or biographies. Reading long texts has never really been something that's captured my interest, and I want to create things that would still interest me if someone else had made it, if that makes sense. :) What I have in mind is more like a paragraph of text that lets you know who is in an illustration and what their roles are. Potentially a little bit about what led to the situation. I think I would ideally have liked to tell this stuff in a more visual storytelling format. However, that's something that takes a lot of time to create, something I already have too little of. Maybe I'll figure out a clever solution some day. :)

Kenneth Winkelman

C'mon writhing mass of horny tentacles!!!