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Hey! Here's the new poll! Find the thumbnails you like below and vote for them. :)

I think I'm gonna try doing thumbnails in color from now on as you can see in the two latest additions. I'm still kind of exploring the sketching style I feel works best as a starting point for the full illustrations. So let's see how that works out.

But don't let the colors distract you from voting for the greyscale ones! They'll all be colored and have the same amount of polish in the end, so just vote for the ideas you enjoy most, and try not to think about how well drawn the thumbnails are. :)

Oh, and if you wanna know which illustration I'm working on this month, check out the result of the last poll.




BWAH! A lot of good ones this time >_>


Always vote for number 2. Always.


I like 4 out of 10, and still none of them are the popular choice! (1, 5, 7, and 10)


#7 is super cute & intimate! However, the #2 or #9 are my top choices ^_^ Excellent addition of the color thumbs!