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Hey! I did a bit of practice today. It's not the pretties thing I've painted, but you guys have shown interest in rougher paintings as well, so I figured you'd want to see it. :)

It's a study of a photo that I then doodled a bit more on top of. I did a study of her face in just values, and then improvised the colors and some more features and details on top.

I've attached the PSD file here as well, for those of you who are interested in that.



Ciarán M

Oh my! How naughty 😈. As ever, the textures and brushstrokes of your work are terrific, love the metallic shine of her ear ring, the bubbly goop slathered all over her, especially how it wraps over her cheek as it's pressed out by the "contents" of her mouth, her freckles are adorable and her closed eyes and thick lashes are wonderful. Great work and it's definitely nice to see your practice works 😊😻


Thanks, Ciaran! Posting unpolished work has always been difficult for me, haha. I'm trying to get more comfortable with it though.

Matty Thunders

Love it! Thanks for talking about technique


nice! thanks for sharing! :D


Wow! Good stuff Calm! Out of curiosity, how long did it take you to finish this?


Thanks! It took... maybe 3 hours? Something like that. Very quick compared to my usual stuff, mostly because it's based off of a study of a photo, which is much easier and faster than drawing stuff from imagination.


That's looking seriously great for just a speedpaint. Well done!

Gaston Denton

I think this is beautiful. I wouldn't even call it all that rough.


This is wonderful. <3


is there a video to go alone with this >__> i LOVE watching those!


It was only intended as a quick warm-up thing, and I didn't know if I'd take it far enough that it was worth posting, so I'm afraid I didn't bother recording it. I'll try to keep that in mind if I do more of these though. :)


You're a gift to mankind, and so is this :O


Brilliant work, Calm!

Eric Lynch

I'd love to see more of this kind of content personally. It also seems like a great way to give some attention to sketches that have been around for a long time but may never win the poll to be drawing of the month.


thank you so much. This is really kind of you to give us some glimpse on your practice. And the PSD is a really nice touch ;)