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This email is coming to you one day early because we're recording the episode on Tuesday at 5:30pm Central this week due to our special guests...

This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Jeff Cork, Joe Juba, and special guest/former Game Informer editor Ben Reeves! It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Why we play games

- Horizon Forbidden West

- Assassin's Creed

- Just life, man...

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Tuesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hello GI alumni! Its a new month, which means new free games for ps plus and xbox gold members! With the domination of gamepass and the rumors that playstation is restructuring its memberships, what do you think is the best way to handle free games? Should it be day 1 multiplayer games (like rocket league and fall guys), AAA games, or something else? Or maybe its totally uneccesarry in the age of gamepass?


Hello Minnmax! Since all of y’all worked at GI, what is your favorite cover story you worked on and/or any favorite cover story trip memories?


Hi friends, One of the most recent gaming discourses surrounding Elden Ring was the amount of time reviewers were given to play the game up until release of their review. While some look at From Software as playing a part in this issue by not giving the game to reviewers earlier so that they could finish/play the majority of the game, isn't some of the issue also the deadline of review postings game critics are trying to meet? It obviously would be more accommodating if a developer provided a game to a reviewer with enough time to finish before their review is allowed to be posted, but shouldn't there also be the option of not posting the review until you've felt like you played enough of the game to provide one (this excludes reviews in progress as this format makes sense). If the outlet you work for is expecting a review to be posted by a certain date even though you haven't played enough of a game to properly critique it, thats not necessarily a problem caused just by the developer, that could be a problem with yo' boss. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this matter. Thanks, Dan


Hey cohorts! Last week’s discussion of FromSoftware got me thinking of the value in consistency in other art forms. What would you consider to be the most consistent Artist? For myself, I would consider the band Spoon to be the most consistent band in terms of quality. All albums are good to great, even their latest ones.


What's up "Old Guard", Last week the other cohorts were discussing which is the best super hero movie so far. Into the Spider-Verse is a great choice, but I do think "Logan" at least deserves an honorable mention. So uhh...which revered video game character/series do you think should get a gritty mold-breaking entry to send it off? (Probs Mario, right?) Bonus question: does "Birdman" count as a super hero movie? Keep on keepin' on


In honor of Pokemon Week I'm putting my personal betterquest goal here for some public accountability: I'm earning my spot to the Pokemon World Championships as a Unite player. I've been playing since the start of the game and while some days it feels rough to put in the time required, I know its going to be worth it in the end. On a related note, have you guys been surprised by how muted the reaction to Gen 9 has been? With both "Open World" and the return of abilities confirmed, I'm really excited, but it doesn't feel like many people in our sphere of "online" are. Is it everyone trying to mentally recalibrate expectations after PL:A? Pokemon overload? Regardless, I'm hyped as hell though.


Hey MinnMax ! I was wondering, who are your favorite video game writers ? Can we actually name any ? I won't lie, I'm having a hard time too... We tend to say videogames story are subpar, but there's so much to a game's writing : the general plot beats, the worldbuilding, the actual dialogue... I'm just now discovering Control and absolutely loving the atmosphere, the Bureau and how eerie it all is. Sam Lake is considered the writer (though he's probably not alone, right ?). I do also love a good Max Payne monologue too, so I guess he might be my favorite ? What do y'all think ?


Wazzup? What is your favorite Benvention?


Have you guys ever watched a single movie or show that negatively impacted your view on an entire genre or subgenre? Years ago, I watched The Butler with Forest Whitaker and really enjoyed it. Shortly after, I found out that 80% to 90% (estimating here) of the events in that movie didn't happen. This led me down a rabbit hole where I found out the vast majority of movies that are based on true stories have many things altered in them that aren't at all part of the original story. Since then, I almost always stay away from a movie that claims it's based on a true story.


I recently just rewatched the Replay Civil War arc from like 2017. How much fun was that to put together? Really was cool to see such a creative development in the Replay saga 😁


The pixel remaster of FF6 seems to be a hit and the common thought I'm hearing is, "what other classic RPG's do we want to receive the same treatment?" I'm thinking, why does it have to be an RPG? What classic game that isn't an RPG would you like to see get the same treatment? I'm kind of struggling to think of any that aren't RPGs