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Choose What We Stream On New Show Plus!

  • We're Batmen 40
  • Watch Along - History Of Xbox Documentary 41
  • The Great GOAT Hunt - Final Fantasy VI 27
  • Gaming\u2019s Greatest Rivals Showdown 32
  • 2022-02-28
  • —2022-03-01
  • 140 votes
{'title': 'Choose What We Stream On New Show Plus!', 'choices': [{'text': "We're Batmen", 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'Watch Along - History Of Xbox Documentary', 'votes': 41}, {'text': 'The Great GOAT Hunt - Final Fantasy VI', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Gaming\\u2019s Greatest Rivals Showdown', 'votes': 32}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 1, 5, 59, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 28, 21, 21, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 140}


Every week New Show Plus lets supporters at the Backstage Pass tier on Patreon vote to choose a new show for us to create, or to continue an older show from a previous week. If you missed the reveal, you can learn more about the format in this quick video.

So check out your options below, and vote to choose the next episode we create for New Show Plus airing Tuesday on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/minnmaxshow

We're Batmen - To celebrate this week's debut of The Batman with Robert Pattinson, we'd play the 2.5D Metroidvania Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate for the first time.

Watch Along - History Of Xbox Documentary - Enough of playing games and cracking wise, let's sit back and watch the first part of Microsoft's documentary on the history of Xbox.

The Great GOAT Hunt - Final Fantasy VI - The pixel remaster of Final Fantasy VI just released on Steam, we'd start a new save and celebrate what makes this game special.

Gaming’s Greatest Rivals Showdown - We've created brackets for sweet things like the greatest couples and friends in gaming, so we'd keep this series going by creating one all about pure hatred between characters.

Choose wisely, and may the best show win! Remember you can vote on multiple shows if there are a few you're interested in, and the winner will be back on the poll next week for a potential follow-up episode! Also, shows that lose may reappear in future polls.

We’ll be going live at noon Central on Tuesday, so see you on our Twitch channel! Feel free to follow us or shoot a sub our way (you have a free one with Amazon Prime), we'd really appreciate the support!




I just want us to get to a point where Hanson has a thorough understanding of how brackets work


Don't like bashing ideas but I think Xbox Documentary talk over is bad idea because it's an actually competent, good documentary. Think you'd probably be quiet most the time and just watch. Felt on par with that Console Wars documentary (though I only saw up to part 4 -- need to go back to it)