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The biggest, longest, and most intense update we've ever done. While, we don't clock hours, I'd estimate we've easily got way over 600 man-hours into this build and I think we're all happy with how it turned out. It took a long time (over 2 months for this one) but it's probably big enough to be considered a double update so we feel it evens out. 

As always, feel free to post comments below or state your feedback, reactions, whatever you wanna say. We still try and respond to every comment that rolls in because that's always been very important to me.

Also, feel free to share this build with others. Once the free version is released, we have no problem with the game being posted publicly.

PC Build: Google Drive 

PC (Crunched): Google Drive 

MAC Build: Google Drive 

MAC (Crunched): Google Drive 

Change Log v0.15.1

-Change a time reference during the Mikhail/Zack talk at the end of Chapter 7 to reflect the appropriate day referenced.

-Correcting color on "straight" text that was overlooked

-Fixed typos and learned grammar that I didn't apparently figure out in grad school

Change Log v0.15

-Finished Chapter 7: Deeper

-Fixed "Embarrassing Story" text color

-Braden bent over CG (you know what one I'm talking about) was redone to make his starfish less frightening

-Finished the CG reduction on the dorm room folder, reducing overall game file size by another 240MB (not huge but it helps)


Jacek Jagosz

I'm new to this game, does/will this game feature other dateable characters other than the roommate?


Right now there are no plans except for the roommate. When I started, I had a few random plans but then the story became sooooo long that it's just not doable right now to add a second route. We are looking at some other options as potential but they wouldn't be added until after the rough draft of this version is completed. Since you're new, this game is still very much in alpha stages. We're considering this version as practice since none of us have done this before.

Alan Song

All hail to Aaryn! I don't know how did you managed to produce such great updates one after another but you did it, again! Glad to see they were more open up to each other especially Branden confessed about his feeling (I reeeeeally though they were gona 'DO IT' at that scene). And speak of beach party, I can only imagine how hard Branden will trying to blend in like other 'regular size‘ dude (not in Speedo of course).


Def not just me. I had help. This one was pretty damn involved though. Yeah, I seriously wanted them to hook up too but Zack looked terrified, lol. And hopefully theres enough room at the beach for Braden AND his dick :p