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Ok, so I'm not really sure how to respond to this other than we've been absolutely staggered by the influx in Patreon support over the past few weeks and we wanted to take a minute to acknowledge that. Since the beginning of April, we have reached the highest number of new subscribers in the history of this game and we have absolutely no idea why! Y'all are coming from somewhere and we don't really even know why, who to thank, or what. So first off, welcome to all the new folks. Please make yourself at home. If you have any problems, leave a comment or drop me a message directly. You can also join our public Discord server where the Dev Team regularly congregates. We're pretty open dudes and interact personally with the fans--usually on a daily basis. Hit us up if you have questions, problems, or just want to let us know how we're doing. 

We're also curious--specifically for the newer members that have joined within the past month--where the hell did you guys come from? So if you're new to the game and just joined to support within the past month or so, where did you come from? Where did you hear about the game or what made you specifically join? You can leave a comment here, hit me up with a private message (if you want some extra privacy), or contact one of the Dev's through the Discord to let them know. 

Thanks again for joining and we hope you enjoy things. We'll have more posts coming shortly as we come off of our break following the last release and start gearing up for the next one. 




It was either itch.io or F95zone: similar story for me. Found it, played it, loved it, patronized it [in a good way]. Oh, and you want to take that meta? Since playing the game I've become interested in doing tai chi, I start on Monday, and work is paying for me to do it! [They know, incidentally (as does the tai chi tutor) that it was a game that raised my interest in tai chi, but they don't know what KIND of game! :D ]


Haha, omg...I think you're the first person that's said anything about the Tai Chi in game actually affecting you. Yeah, I havent done it for awhile... probably because I've been so busy (which is the best argument for continuing), but it really helped me out a lot too. The entire concept of "balance" was very different than Western ideas and it really spoke to me during some dark days. That's one of the major reasons i included it in the game, it was something personally special to me. That's awesome that the game got you interested. I never had an instructor, mine was just self study. I did enjoy a book called Tai Chi: The Perfect Exercise by Arthur Rosenfeld if you're interested.


I just googled for some gay games and honestly don't remember where i got the hint for straight!? It was in a comment section somewhere (quora, reddit,...???). Somebody mentioned your game there. That was back in february. Since then I always downloaded every update and still think that it is by far the best gay game so far and will be a milestone for years! It is soooo good!


Aww. Thanks..I've never thiugh of it as a milestone before. I def feel like things have improved since adding the extra devs. Hopefully we continue to improve things and set that bar higher