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EDIT: Added Android links

Annnnd we're back for the next FREE public release of the Reavmp. This update gives us the first half of Chapter 5, one of the key points in the story where things start to get a bit deeper and more serious for the genre you thought this was gonna stick to.

As always, new music, new animations, hundreds of new pics and CGs that should make the store feel a lot more alive.

Note: Compared to the Patreon release, this is identical except for the Chapter 1 end with Zack in the shower is now animated and I've removed all the clunky static images that were originally associated with that scene. I've gotten better at the animations and that scene has bothered me so I finally got it redone. It's only one animation so nothing huge but it does look way better .


PC: MediaFire Mega Google Drive

MAC: MediaFire Mega Google Drive

Android: MediaFire Google Drive




I'm excited to see your updates. I'm going to wait until the 2nd half is released though before I download again.


Looking forward to it. I hope these continue. Do you have plans on continuing into a series?


that's cool. gonna be a little bit. beginning of v11 was some unexpected time sink but it's going steady now


i'm definitely planning to continue working on the Revamp. however, no plans for a series or anything. I dont want to run the story into the ground. i want to be careful with these characters but we'll see where things go. i'm not against it. it just has to be better than the original-- there's no reason to do a sequel if i can't be better or at least different in a meaningful way :)


I also support a sequel. I think you've set up the story so well to take it in any meaningful direction. And there is no doubt in my mind that you could write it better than the original. Hell, even if you wrote it the same as you are writing now, I would read it and I can guarantee the majority of your supporters would agree!


I'm glad it's going steady again. Being back at work, I'm not getting as much time to read as I'd like (no more than 30 minutes/day) and I plan on re-reading with every final chapter you post. So at least the speed should balance out a bit! XD


I wouldn't be concerned with running the story into the ground Aaryn, especially when you're just on the runway of the story taking off. It's the beginning of a beautiful love story. I have to tell you, the way you articulate things, mainly in Zacks inner monolog is beautiful. It gave me goose bumbs in areas. You have a great talent. I can't tell you what to do but you would be doing yourself a disservice by ending this story where it is.


we'll see. i've played with ideas and stuff but it also took over 6 years to get this far with the first story. that's a massive commitment so to start that again is something I'm going to have to be 100% ready to go on


Fair enough. Either way, you've got a talent Aaryn. You're a great story teller. Keep doing what you're doing. You're appreciated by many.


well thank you. you're very kind. never knew i had a knack for this so it's fun that people are having the reaction they are. thanks for the continued support and for tossing happy things my way :)


I'm a little late to the party but I LOVED!!! the newest release!!! Can't wait to see what is next for our sexy duo


haha. no worries. take your time. i still appreciate the support and actually appreciate that you play the updates when you're ready or you have the time to actually dedicate to it. means the world to me so thank you. glad you liked the new one. next one is looking good so far as well so stay tuned :)